Automation and Workflows

You can link your Tables with your workflows effortlessly. This means you can set up actions in your workflows that are triggered by changes in your Tables, or you can perform actions on your Tables directly from your workflows.


Centralized Data Management  

By integrating Tables with workflows, viaSocket provides a centralized hub for managing your data and automating processes. Instead of scattered information across different tools, everything is neatly organized within Tables, making it easier to track, manage, and analyze.

Triggering Workflows with Tables

Changes made in your Tables, like adding a new entry or updating existing data, can automatically trigger specific workflows. 

📌 For example, when a new customer is added to your CRM Table, it can kick off a workflow to send a welcome email.

Performing Actions on Tables from Workflows

Conversely, you can also set up actions in your workflows to interact with your Tables. This might include adding a new row to a Table, updating data based on certain conditions, or even deleting entries. This way, you can keep all your workflow data organized in one place.

📌 For example, let's say you run an online store. Whenever a customer places an order, their information is stored in viaSocket’s Tables. You've set up a workflow that triggers whenever a new order is received. This workflow updates your inventory Table to reflect the new purchase and sends a confirmation email to the customer—all without any manual intervention.

By connecting Tables with workflows, viaSocket empowers users to automate repetitive tasks, streamline processes, and keep their data organized in one central location.