Hidden Fields

The "Hidden" feature in form or JSON configurations is indeed used to control the visibility of specific fields based on certain conditions or selections. Consider a scenario where you have a form with a dropdown menu allowing users to select a file type: "Image", "PDF", or "Text". Depending on the selection, only the relevant fields for that file type are displayed.

🔴Note : Hidden Fields does not support dynamic API calls for children.

Hidden Fields: Use the “hidefields”type to make fields invisible while passing necessary data.

Conditional Hidden Fields: Use “fieldsToHide”to hide fields based on conditions from other fields.

Dropdown Children: Condition applicable on dropdown children. If nothing is selected in the dropdown all the fields are visible to the user.



    "key": "FileType",

    "type": "hidefields",

    "label": "FileType",

    "children": [


        "label": "attachment",

        "value": "attachment",

        "sample": "attachment"



        "label": "image",

        "value": "image",

        "sample": "image"



        "label": "file",

        "value": "file",

        "sample": "file"



    "fieldsToHide": {

      "file": [




      "image": [




      "attachment": [







    "key": "image",

    "type": "string",

    "label": "image"



    "key": "file",

    "type": "string",

    "label": "file"



    "key": "attachment",

    "type": "string",

    "label": "attachment"



Show fields based on selected field: