Visibility Configuration

The Visibility Configuration step in viaSocket is essential for defining how your plugin (referred to as a "plug" in viaSocket) will be displayed and accessed by users. This initial setup ensures that your app is correctly identified and categorized within the viaSocket ecosystem. Properly configuring visibility is crucial for maximizing the usability and discoverability of your custom integration. This guide will walk you through the process of configuring the visibility settings for your plug in viaSocket.

Steps to configure Visibility Configuration:

To begin configuring the visibility of your plug, follow these steps:

Specify App Name and Domain

Once you click on "+Create New Plug," you will be prompted to provide the App Name and Domain in the correct format.

  • App Name: Enter the name of the service for which you want to create a plugin.

    • Example: If you are creating a plug for MailChimp, type "MailChimp."

  • Domain: Enter the domain of the app, which is the official website or URL of the application.

AI Assistance in Visibility Configuration

When you provide the App Name and Domain while creating a plug in viaSocket, our AI automatically fetches all the necessary details for the visibility configuration, such as the app description, logo, category, and more. This saves time and ensures accuracy. You can then review these details and make any changes as needed to align with your specific requirements. This process simplifies setting up your plug and optimizes it for visibility and engagement on viaSocket.

Required Details for Visibility Configuration

Below is the list of details you need to provide and adjust during the Visibility Configuration step:

  1. App Name: Enter the name of the service you wish to create a plugin for.
    • Example: "MailChimp" if you are creating a plug for MailChimp.
  2. App Description: Provide a detailed description of the service, including what it does and where it can be used.
    • Example: "MailChimp is a leading email marketing service that allows businesses to create, send, and analyze email campaigns. It offers a range of tools for designing emails, managing subscriber lists, and tracking campaign performance."
  3. Domain: Enter the domain of the app. This is the website or URL associated with the application.
  4. Audience: Indicate whether the plugin is public or private.
    • Private: Only people within the creator’s workspace can access and use the plug.
    • Public: The plug is available for all viaSocket users to access and utilize.
  5. Category: Select the category that best describes your plugin. viaSocket provides a list of categories for various types of applications. 
  6. Icon URL: Specify the URL for the icon of your plugin. If the correct domain is entered in the previous step, viaSocket will automatically set the icon URL.
  7. Tags/Keywords: Add relevant tags or keywords to enhance the searchability of your plugin within viaSocket.
  8. App’s Primary Color: Specify the primary color of the app. This helps in better visual integration of your plug within the viaSocket interface.
  9. Whitelist URL: Include the base URL of the service API. This is crucial for making API requests.
  10. Requires Fixed IP Checkbox: Check this box if your application requires a dedicated IP for making API calls. If selected, viaSocket will provide the necessary IP details for whitelisting purposes.

Importance of Visibility Configuration

Visibility Configuration is a crucial step when creating a plugin (plug) in viaSocket, especially if you choose to make your plug public. The settings and details you provide during this step determine how your plug will be displayed and accessed by users within the viaSocket platform.

Why Visibility Configuration Matters

  1. Enhanced Discoverability in the App Library
    For public plugs, visibility configuration directly impacts their presence in viaSocket's app library, accessible at This library is a central hub where users can browse and discover various integrations available on viaSocket. By setting your plug’s visibility to public, it becomes part of this app library, enhancing its discoverability among all viaSocket users.

  2. Dedicated Web Page for Public Plugs
    When you make your plug public, viaSocket not only lists it in the app library but also creates a dedicated page for your plug on its website. This page provides detailed information about your plug, helping potential users understand its functionality and benefits. The URL for this page follows the format:[AppName].

  3. Utilization of Plug Details for Web Page Content
    The information you specify during the Visibility Configuration step is crucial because it is used to populate the content of the dedicated web page for your public plug. This includes:

    • App Name: The name of your app or service, helping users quickly identify the plug.

    • Logo: The visual representation of your app, enhancing brand recognition.

    • Category: Helps categorize your plug in the app library, making it easier for users to find it under the appropriate category.

    • About App: A detailed description of what your app does, its key features, and the problems it solves. This section informs users about the benefits of integrating with your app.

    • Redirection to Your Website: A link that directs users from the viaSocket page to your app's website, potentially driving traffic and increasing user engagement.

  4. Consistent and Custom Branding with App’s Primary Color
    To enhance the visual identity of your plug, viaSocket uses the primary color provided by you during the visibility configuration on the dedicated page for your public plug. This allows the page to reflect your brand’s color scheme, ensuring a unique and cohesive presentation that aligns with your app’s branding.

Benefits of Proper Visibility Configuration

  • Increased User Engagement: By making your plug public and configuring its visibility correctly, you enhance its visibility and appeal, potentially leading to increased user engagement and adoption.

  • Improved Marketing Opportunities: The dedicated web page serves as a marketing tool, promoting your app to a broader audience and providing a platform to highlight its key features and benefits.

  • Greater Reach and Exposure: Public plugs in viaSocket benefit from being part of a centralized app library, making it easier for users to discover and use your app, thus expanding your reach within the viaSocket community.

Visibility Configuration is not just a technical step but a strategic one that affects how your plug is presented to and perceived by viaSocket users. For public plugs, proper visibility configuration ensures that your plug is prominently displayed in the app library and has a dedicated web page that accurately represents your app. By carefully providing the necessary details, including your app’s primary color, you maximize the visibility and impact of your plug within viaSocket, enhancing both discoverability and user engagement.

Private vs Public Plugs in viaSocket

When configuring the visibility of your plug in viaSocket, you have the option to choose between making it Private or Public. Understanding the difference between these options is crucial for determining how your plug will be accessed and utilized.

Private Plugs

  • VisibilityPrivate plugs are only visible within your workspace.

  • Access: Only you and members of your workspace can see and use the plug.

  • Use Case: Ideal for internal tools or integrations that are specific to your team or organization.

Public Plugs

  • Visibility: Public plugs are available to all users of viaSocket.

  • Access: Any viaSocket user can discover and use the plug.

  • Additional Exposure:

    • Your plug will be listed in the viaSocket app library, increasing its visibility to a broader audience.

    • A dedicated page for your app will be created on the viaSocket website, with a URL in the format:[AppName].

  • Use Case: Best suited for widely applicable tools or services that you want to share with all viaSocket users.

Benefits of Using Public Plugs

  • Increased Exposure: Public plugs gain visibility across the entire viaSocket user base, potentially attracting more users to your service.

  • Marketing and Branding: The dedicated page on the viaSocket website serves as a marketing tool, showcasing your app and its features to a broader audience.

  • Community Engagement: Encourages engagement and collaboration within the viaSocket community, allowing more users to benefit from your integration.

Choosing between a private and public plug depends on your goals and the intended audience for your integration.

Next Steps

After completing the Visibility Configuration, you will proceed to the next steps of creating a plug, including Authentication and Actions & Triggers. These steps will further define the functionality of your custom integrations, allowing you to maximize the potential of your app within viaSocket.

For more detailed guidance on each step, refer to the specific documentation sections on Authentication and Actions & Triggers.