Dynamic Help Text

Dynamic help text is a contextual help popup shown to users based on specific conditions handled in the source code. When these conditions occur, the help text provides guidance to help users understand the plugin's behavior. In short dynamic help text provides real-time feedback based on user interactions. 

📌For example, if you're creating an action for Google Sheets to create a new entry, you can use dynamic help text to alert the user if the selected sheet has no columns, making it easy for the user to understand and debug the issue.

  • Take a get API for get all columns of sheet(example) from google API documentation

  • Configure it in javascript API call code 

  • Return an array containing label,key,type,help etc  for all column, with this add a condition in code if condition not fulfilled return empty array in children and message

const apiUrl = `https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/${context.inputData.spreadSheet_id}/values:batchGet?ranges=${context.inputData.sheet_id}!1:1000&valueRenderOption=UNFORMATTED_VALUE

 const headers = { Authorization: `Bearer ${context.authData.accesstokencode.access_token}` };

  const response = await axios.get(apiUrl, { headers: headers })

     let arrToReturn=[]



             const obj = { key: entry, label: entry, type: 'string', required: false, help: ' ' }



//when no columns found


         arrToReturn = {

         children: [],

         message: "Didn't see any headers in the provided spreadsheet!\n\n Did you  
 add headers to the spreadsheet? If so, just refresh this step to pull in the new data.\n\n
[Click here for instructions on setting up your spreadsheet.](https://viasocket.com/faq)"



return arrToReturn 

  • This code can be added through the GUI or via JSON by including a key “source” with the escaped code as its value. Use EscapeJSON to properly format the code for JSON.