Webhook Response

The "Response" in viaSocket enables users to set responses for webhook URLs, dictating the behavior when the URL is accessed. Whether users prefer a default response provided by viaSocket or desire a customized response tailored to their specific needs, this feature offers flexibility and control over webhook interactions.

Key Features:

Default Response: viaSocket offers a default response option, providing users with a quick and convenient way to set a standard response for their webhook URLs. This default response can be easily configured within the viaSocket interface.

Custom Response: For users seeking greater customization, viaSocket allows the creation of custom responses. This feature empowers users to define the exact content and format of the response, enabling them to meet unique requirements and integrate seamlessly with their existing systems.

How it Works:

Default Response:

Users can select the default response option within the viaSocket webhook configuration.

The default response is automatically sent whenever the webhook URL is accessed, providing a consistent reply without additional configuration.


Customizing Response:

Users have the option to customize the response according to their specific needs.

They can define the HTTP status code, content type, headers, and body content of the response.


Use Cases:

The "Response" in viaSocket empowers users to control and manage webhook interactions effectively. Whether opting for a default response or crafting a customized reply, users can ensure that webhook requests are handled appropriately, providing consistency, reliability, and adaptability to their automation workflows.