This policy applies to all data processed by viaSocket in connection with workflows and integrations created by our users.
Workflow Content
Workflow Content refers to the data transferred in and out of workflows during their execution. We do not store or access this data. It is temporarily processed solely for the purpose of integrating apps and enabling workflows.
Workflow Logs
Workflow Logs include metadata about workflows, such as the workflow name, dates and times of workflow runs, and workflow status. These logs are retained for 7 days to allow troubleshooting and are then archived.
Workflow Metrics
Workflow Metrics consist of statistical metadata about workflows, such as the count of workflow invocations. We retain only this aggregate statistical information and do not store any detailed data or content related to workflows.
If you request data deletion, all relevant logs and content are instantly removed, and you are notified immediately upon completion.
To request the deletion of your data, you may:
To ensure the security of your account and prevent unauthorized requests, we may:
Once your request has been verified, we will:
Workflow data is retained for 7 days by default and then archived for 7 days. Archived data is not used actively in the system.
If you do not submit a deletion request, data is retained as outlined in our Privacy Policy to improve services and comply with legal requirements.
Certain data may not be eligible for deletion if:
Deleting your data will impact your ability to use viaSocket services. Once data is deleted:
We may update this policy periodically to reflect changes in our practices or for operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Any updates will be posted on this page with the date of revision.
Last Updated: 10/01/2025
For questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us at