Delete a contact in Loopsso when Booking Created in
Find a contact in Loopsso when Booking Created in
Update a contact in mailing list in Loopsso when Booking Created in
Create a contact in mailing list in Loopsso when Booking Created in
Delete a contact in Loopsso when Booking Rescheduled in
Find a contact in Loopsso when Booking Rescheduled in
Update a contact in mailing list in Loopsso when Booking Rescheduled in
Create a contact in mailing list in Loopsso when Booking Rescheduled in
Delete a contact in Loopsso when Booking Cancelled on
Find a contact in Loopsso when Booking Cancelled on
Activates instantly when a new booking is created, triggering immediate workflow initiation.
Activates instantly when a booking is rescheduled, triggering immediate workflow initiation.
Activates instantly when a booking is cancelled, triggering immediate workflow initiation.
Delete a contact by email address.
Find a contact by email address.
Update a contact using email id
Create a contact in the mailing list is a versatile scheduling platform designed to streamline appointment booking and calendar management. It offers seamless integration with various calendar services, making it easy to schedule meetings, events, and appointments.
Learn MoreLoops is a platform designed to streamline and automate your business workflows, enhancing productivity and efficiency. It offers a range of tools to create, manage, and optimize various processes within your organization.
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