Dynamic multiselect

Useful in scenarios where users need to select multiple items, such as tags, categories, or preferences in such cases enables users to make multiple selections from a set of options. So this is an array with a comma-separated list of entries sent in the API request. Do not ask users to type this manually  use the built-in functionality instead.

Multiselect values with static children  



    "key": "username",

    "type": "multiselect",

    "label": "username",

    "children": [                                        


        "label": "A",

        "value": "A",

        "sample": "A"



        "label": "B",

        "value": "B",

        "sample": "B"



        "label": "C",

        "value": "C",

        "sample": "C"



    "required": true



Multiselect values with dynamic children  

Multiselect values with dynamic children refer to a feature in dropdown menus where the options available for selection change based on API. For this JSON looks the same but a new key is added called “source”.

The source API includes a JavaScript call to fetch the required data. Once retrieved, the data is shown in the dropdown as an array of objects, each containing a label, sample, and value for the child options. Example  : If you want to create sites multiselect dropdown for webflow application so this is what you have to integrate:

  • Take a get API for get all sites from webflow API documentation

  • Configure it in javascript API call code 

  • Return a object containing label,sample,value for all sites 

const testApiUrl = 'https://api.webflow.com/v2/sites';
const response = await axios.get(testApiUrl, {
  headers: {
    "Authorization"`Bearer ${context.authData.accesstokencode.access_token}`,
    "accept" : "application/json"
const array = response.data.sites.map(subs => ({
  label: subs.displayName,
  value: subs.id,

  sample: subs.id
return array;

  • This code can be added through the GUI or via JSON by including a key "source" with the escaped code as its value.Use EscapeJSON to properly format the code for JSON.



    "key": "site",

    "type": "multiselect",

    "label": "Select site",

  "source": "const testApiUrl = 'https://baseurl/endpoint;\r\nconst   response = await axios.get(testApiUrl, {\r\n  headers: {\r\n    \"Authorization\": `Bearer ${context.authData.___}`,\r\n    \"accept\" : \"application/json\"\r\n  }\r\n});\r\nconst array = response.data.sites.map(subs => ({\r\n  label: subs.displayName,\r\n  value: subs.id\r\n}));\r\nreturn array;",

    "required": true



Response : 

On selecting multiple value from the dropdown, it returns an array of that field and comma separated values in it. To use this value in the entire action , the path is ${context.inputData.fieldName} :