how to make plugin in Viasoket


    "creates": {

        "Plug 1 ": { //action key

            "operation": {-

            // Configuration for the operation performed by the plug

                // Define the input fields (steps) for the service - available options (Dynamic, Text input)

                "inputFields": [{

                        "key": “inputField_unique_name”, // Variable to store the selected campaign

                        "label": "", // Label displayed to the user

                        "type": "dropdown", // Field type (dropdown, string, Input Groups,radio)

                        "help": "", // Help text for the field

                        "source": "Code to fetch campaign options in JS“ // Code to retrieve and populate the dropdown options - return in array of objects **THIS SHOULD HAVE A return**



                        "key": "Create_Prospect", // Variable to store prospect details

                        "type": "input groups", // Field type (dropdown, string, Input Groups),

                        "label": "Create Prospect", // Label displayed for the input group

                        "required": false // Indicates if the input group is required (true, false),

                        "children": [{

                                "key": "email", // Variable to store prospect email

                                "label": "Email", // Label for the email input field

                                "type": "string", // Field type

                                "required": true, // Indicates if the field is required (true, false)

                                "help": "Enter the prospect's email address" // Help text for the field



                                "key": "first_name", // Variable to store prospect first name

                                "label": "First Name", // Label for the first name input field

                                "type": "string", // Field type

                                "required": true, // Indicates if the field is required (true, false)

                                "help": "Enter the prospect's first name" // Help text for the field



                                "key": "last_name", // Variable to store prospect last name

                                "label": "Last Name", // Label for the last name input field

                                "type": "string", // Field type

                                "required": false, // Indicates if the field is required (true, false)

                                "help": "Enter the prospect's last name" // Help text for the field



                                "key": "company", // Variable to store prospect company

                                "label": "Company", // Label for the company input field

                                "type": "string", // Field type

                                "required": true, // Indicates if the field is required (true, false)

                                "help": "Enter the prospect's company name" // Help text for the field





                // Perform action to execute after saving or during a dry run

                "perform": {

                    "source": "Code to perform the action" // Code to perform the desired action, such as adding the prospect to the campaign. Final code, which will run every time at invocation.






TYPES in plugin

Dropdown contains: 
static value will be like :- 

                        "children": [{

                                "label": "Email", // Label for the email input field

                               "sample": "", // sample value show for display only

                               "value": "", // value which will we store



                                "label": "Email", // Label for the email input field

                               "sample": "", // sample value show for display only

                               "value": "", // value which will we store



                                "label": "Email", // Label for the email input field

                               "sample": "", // sample value show for display only

                               "value": "", // value which will we store



                                "label": "Email", // Label for the email input field

                               "sample": "", // sample value show for display only

                               "value": "", // value which will we store



Dynamic value will we like :- 

                   "source": "Code to fetch campaign options in JS“ // Code to retrieve and populate the dropdown options - return in array of objects 


InputGroup contains: 
static value will be like :- 


 "children": [{

                                "key": "email", // Variable to store prospect email

                                "label": "Email", // Label for the email input field

                                "type": "string", // Field type

                                "required": true, // Indicates if the field is required (true, false)

                                "help": "Enter the prospect's email address" // Help text for the field



                                "key": "first_name", // Variable to store prospect first name

                                "label": "First Name", // Label for the first name input field

                                "type": "string", // Field type

                                "required": true, // Indicates if the field is required (true, false) 

                                "help": "Enter the prospect's first name" // Help text for the field



                                "key": "last_name", // Variable to store prospect last name

                                "label": "Last Name", // Label for the last name input field

                                "type": "string", // Field type

                                "required": false, // Indicates if the field is required (true, false)

                                "help": "Enter the prospect's last name" // Help text for the field



                                "key": "company", // Variable to store prospect company

                                "label": "Company", // Label for the company input field

                                "type": "string", // Field type

                                "required": true, // Indicates if the field is required (true, false)

                                "help": "Enter the prospect's company name" // Help text for the field



Dynamic value will we like :- 

                   "source": "Code to fetch campaign options in JS“ // Code to retrieve and populate the dropdown options - return in array of objects